The Link Between Creativity & Trauma

The Link Between Creativity & Trauma

Both fragmented and fused with the hands of experience, the creative mind isn’t so different from a stained-glass window. A mosaic of memory and morrow. Splinters of what was and what could be. Colored moments and shards of emotion, all patterned together within a...
Behind the Cover

Behind the Cover

Have you ever walked into a gallery that steals the breath from your lips and renders you silent in reverence? It’s partly due to the beauty of the individual works, but more impactful, it’s the curation – the way the exhibits have been chosen and strategically...
How to March Through Every Obstacle This Month

How to March Through Every Obstacle This Month

When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When stress is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don’t you quit. … If your plate is overflowing with obligations, your to-do list is longer than...
The Gift That Costs Nothing and Benefits All

The Gift That Costs Nothing and Benefits All

It all started at a simple coffee meeting with a friend. We entered the cafe, greeted by the clinking of the doorbell and a barista with an expression shadowed by both his visor and his evident boredom. However, as we approached the counter, he took a closer look at...