
50 lessons in 50 years of Living!
Yesterday, I turned the big ole 5-0! The road to 50 with it's ups and downs, good times AND near death experiences has taught me so much. Some people might dread turning 50 and feel old, but when you have almost died a couple of times it feels more like something to...

15 Quotes for Strength Amid Adversity
The pandemic has tipped our world off its axis, spilling each of our lives into uncharted waters. When adversity cloaks our everyday in an uncertainty that is increasingly difficult to navigate, sometimes we need something to help lead the way. A guiding hand, a...

How to Build Resilience in the Face of a Pandemic
While panic is in surplus, many other resources are becoming increasingly difficult to secure. Grocery shelves are quickly emptied, trips to stores are far scarcer, budgets are cinching, and desperate hands all grasp for the same goods. So, I want to share a recipe...

Three Lessons Learned From Wildfires
A single spark. A single breath of wind. That's all it takes for everything to change. While the SoCal skies have been filled with smoke and ash, NorCal is repeatedly shut into darkness with power outages to prevent the rise of devastating fires. Over...

The Pace of Pain | Amberly Lago | TEDxBerkeley
Amberly Lago shares her experience with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and her method, PACER, to strengthen resilience through personal challenges. Amberly Lago was a former athlete and professional dancer turned fitness trainer when her life was forever...

Behind the Cover
Have you ever walked into a gallery that steals the breath from your lips and renders you silent in reverence? It’s partly due to the beauty of the individual works, but more impactful, it’s the curation - the way the exhibits have been chosen and strategically...

How to March Through Every Obstacle This Month
When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When stress is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't you quit. … If your plate is overflowing with obligations, your to-do list is longer than Tolstoy’s War and...

The Gift That Costs Nothing and Benefits All
It all started at a simple coffee meeting with a friend. We entered the cafe, greeted by the clinking of the doorbell and a barista with an expression shadowed by both his visor and his evident boredom. However, as we approached the counter, he took a closer look at...

How Thanksgiving Will Change Your Life
The evidence is in your spirit. In your brain. In your very DNA. Gratitude will change your life. And what better time to talk about it than this festive month? Thanksgiving is a holiday, yes – one of warmth and family and the best of food (pumpkin pie, anyone?!). But...

Your Fall Diet Plan: Cinnamon, Cider & Self-Love
As integral as cinnamon, cider & spice are to fall, there’s another ingredient that you must add to your diet this autumn... Self-love. That’s right, time to feed the soul. Your diet is not just what you eat. It’s what you watch, what you listen to, what you read,...