I am absolutely fired up to share the latest episode of The Amberly Lago Show with you, featuring my amazing friend and powerhouse entrepreneur, Stephen Scoggins! This conversation is packed with game-changing wisdom on transformation, resilience, and the power of trust. If you’re ready to level up in life and business, this episode is a must-listen!

Here are three powerful takeaways that will inspire and motivate you:

The Power of Gratitude and Trust
Stephen breaks down how starting each day with gratitude can shift everything. He shares how gratitude journaling has completely transformed his mindset, moving him from scarcity to abundance. And trust, oh, this is a big one! Learning to trust that everything is happening for you, not to you, is the key to staying strong through life’s toughest moments. When you trust the process, you step into a whole new level of possibility.

Becoming an Integrated Entrepreneur
Success isn’t just about grinding and hustling, it’s about alignment. Stephen introduces the game-changing concept of the “integrated entrepreneur,” someone who is self-aware, emotionally grounded, and truly in tune with their purpose. When you take care of your mind, body, and spirit, you show up with more energy, creativity, and impact. If you’re feeling burnt out or stuck, this mindset shift could be exactly what you need!

Surrendering to the Flow
This one hit home for me. Stephen shares how he let go of the constant hustle and learned to surrender to the flow of life. Instead of trying to force outcomes, he embraced stillness, trust, and patience, and it changed everything. Sometimes, the biggest breakthroughs come when we stop pushing so hard and allow things to unfold in their own time.

I cannot wait for you to hear this episode. If you’re ready to stop playing small, step into your power, and start creating the life you were meant for, this conversation is for you!

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Amberly Lago:
Welcome to The Amberly Lago Show, Stories of True Grit and Grace. Oh, my goodness. I am so excited you tuned in to The Amberly Lago Show today because I have one of my favorite people on the planet with us today. He is my brother from another mother. He is Mr. Unstoppable. Stephen Scoggins is with us, y’all. And you’ve heard him on the show before. You’ve probably, if you’ve been to the Unstoppable Success Summit, you have seen him. If you’re, I mean, if you got to see this guy speak on stage, he lights up the room. So he’s spoken at my event. I have spoken at his event. He’s a podcaster. He’s an entrepreneur and he has got the most inspiring story. Um, he helps, uh, businesses. He’s a nine feet. He went from being homeless to, uh, earning like nine figures exiting out of several businesses. He helps entrepreneurs in so many ways rather than just inspiring them. He gives them like strategic steps to scale their businesses and live a life of just being unstoppable. I mean, the list goes on and on of all the things he’s been featured in. Forbes, USA Today, he speaks on stages. Actually, he is making time to come and pour into the podcast, even though he’s about to take the stage at an event right now. So Steven, I love you. Thank you for being here.

Stephen Scoggins: Anytime, my sister, anytime. I absolutely love you and Mrs. Unstoppable. We make a great couple in this world trying to make an impact, for sure.

Amberly Lago: I know. I just think it’s so awesome how you are. I just say, hey, Mr. Unstoppable, and then I’m Ms. Unstoppable. And I’ve got so many questions for you. And we have You know, so many entrepreneurs that listen to the show, and I feel like a lot of people that I talk to right now, they’re struggling, not just mentally, but they’re this mindset of scarcity, of they don’t have enough money and they want, I mean, I actually just had somebody reach out to me and they were like, well, I really wanted to buy your book, but I can’t afford to buy a, you know, a book right now. And I’m like, Oh my gosh, how can we turn this around? Because yeah, look, I know that it can be scary. In fact I do a gratitude list every day and I usually write 10 things I’m grateful for, but on the 10th thing, I didn’t write something I was grateful for. I just wrote, my word for today is trust. And I feel like when you can just trust that all will be well, everything will work out. But I would like to start with like a little bit and go back to the episode where I had Stephen on and we really get into his story a lot. But somebody like you who was homeless And now you are this incredible, successful entrepreneur. And by the way, I had my event at his gorgeous facility in Raleigh, North Carolina, and that really kind of ruined me, Stephen. That stage was unbelievable, the setup and the design. It’s hard to find any place like that. But how did you go from going from that mindset of you were homeless to where you are now? Where did you start and where can somebody start to just scale up in their life?

Stephen Scoggins: Oh, that’s such a loaded, great question, because there’s so many different places you can start, right? I think the easiest thing to understand is every human soul has a resonance and a frequency, OK? And if you wake up each day, kind of what you’re talking about, and you start off with gratitude or joy or some kind of principle that’s more uplifting and light lifting, I would call it, like light, as in beautiful light, what happens is that you’re able to basically gravitate towards a higher level of frequency, a higher level of resonance. Um, science has actually proven now that literally if you, if you were to put you under a certain light, you can actually see the soul’s resonance, literally follow the shape of your body. And the more you’re in love and joy and peace and mercy and grace and these other higher uplifting things, the, the residency of a frequency actually is off your body quite a bit. The reason I say that is because I had this interesting epiphany. So you and I were talking a little bit off air about, hey, last year, it posed some challenges, right? And you would think that you exit a business, you got it all figured out, you can kind of go where you want to go, do what you want to do and stuff like that, that life is easy and whatever. Not the case. And I actually learned that over the last 25 or 30 years specifically, Essentially what it takes to win is becoming what I refer to as the integrated entrepreneur. Okay. I’m trying to explain what that means.

Amberly Lago: That was actually a question I have highlighted to ask you is what the heck is an integrated entrepreneur?

Stephen Scoggins: Yeah, well, and this funny thing is, you know, one of my book agent, because I’m obviously working on a new manuscript myself, and when I first proposed that we’re going to call this manuscript The Entrepreneur’s Edge, and then she got into the book, and she’s like, Stephen, this concept has never been discussed before. This is so different. She actually referred to me as Wayne Dyer for business, which is kind of funny. I love that. So I really like that. But the integrated entrepreneur is the entrepreneur that is so self-aware, so emotionally regulated, and so emotionally, honestly secure. that they’re constantly grounded. And out of every grounded place comes the gravitational pull to have an elevated place. Or as our mutual friend Henry would call it, my word for the year is actually ascension. So ironically, you said yours was trust, mine’s ascension. Mine is raising, right? The integrated entrepreneur spends a lot of time in really four categories. They’re integrated in their mind, they’re integrated in their emotions, they’re integrated in their body, and they’re also integrated in their actual energy signature. Right. So those four categories oftentimes are moments of dysregulation. For example, every major bad decision I have ever made in business or in relationships or anything of that nature came as a byproduct of subconscious programming that just acted out like a response or reactivity thing. or being dysregulated in the moment, and you just make a reactionary decision. And then you have to deal with the consequences of making that decision, and that’s what causes chaos piece. So if you want to get started in actually elevating yourself, you actually have to work backwards. And I love the fact that you actually do the gratitude journal every morning, because that is a way of working backwards to actually work forwards, if that makes any sense. That’s probably where I would have him start.

Amberly Lago: I think that’s huge. I will tell you though, and I’m gonna, you know, we keep it real here on the show. And I don’t know if it was that I just had, I’ve had like, well, it’s been a lot of back to back to back never ending days, but yesterday was like, especially a back to back day where I think I was on line for like 12 hours yesterday.

Stephen Scoggins: Oh gosh.

Amberly Lago: And it can be a little draining after a while. As much as I love what I do, for me to sit in one spot, like I try to get up and do some pushups in between or just go outside to get grounded a little bit if I can. But it was one of those days. And I think sometimes that our days can carry over and affect our next day. And I was just exhausted. I went to bed and I woke up still kind of tired, but I woke up in a funk. was like, okay, I want joy. I want to feel happier. I want to feel more grounded. And, and, and I think that’s one of the reasons I was like, trust my word for the day is trust.

Amberly Lago: Yeah.

Amberly Lago: All of this stuff is going to work out, you know? And, um, But I went through my gratitude practice and I was like, OK, it shifted my perspective a little bit, but I’m still feeling like slow and I’m in a slump. I need to get out of this slump. And I know you talk a lot about that. Then I was like, OK, well, I’m going to you know, I’m not going to go and look on social media or my emails. I need to just go move my body because I know that moves my mood. And I was at the gym. And I’m like, OK, usually when I go go to the gym and I put some ACDC on and I start, let’s go. Yeah, I get the endorphins going and it was not working. And I was like, Well, maybe I need an energy drink. So I went, I stopped, went to the front, got an energy drink, and I’m like, it was everything I could do just to keep going. And I was trying to mentally feel integrated and get some joy, physically get going. What do you do when you’re in a place where you’re like, okay, I’m trying all this stuff and I am still feeling like, what is wrong with me? want to feel better. Do you have days like that? And if you do, what do you do?

Stephen Scoggins: Well, first of all, I’m human. So I absolutely have days like that.

Amberly Lago: Okay, so I’m not alone.

Stephen Scoggins: Not even close. Not even close. You know, what’s really funny when it comes to grounding principles and techniques, it’s a little different for everybody. You know, some people can get the pickup by moving their body. I’ll share this with you. So I went through another significant life transition the last few months that I’m actively working through, which is part of where this concept really took root at. Because I had to go, you know, you kind of like, okay, what was working for me before? What’s not working for me now? What was I doing then that I’m not doing now to kind of digest that? And one of the things that I used to do, because we talked about the unstoppable thing, right? So if a problem came up, I would just barrel right through it. I would just go after it. And then that began not working. And then I realized something. I realized I was beginning to live my life and operate my businesses and my teams with force, not as like a mean, but like, I’m going to push it through. I’m going to make it happen. I’m going to go, go, go. And then something in my spirit, and obviously I’m a person of faith, Big believer in Jesus and energy and the whole deal, right? So something my spirit said, you’re actually supposed to do it the opposite way. Now, you’re supposed to lean into the flow now, you know, so I’m like, like many of our friends. I also have my own coaches and counselors and people that I work with, right?

Amberly Lago: Which I think is so important, and I’m so glad that you brought that up, because as successful as you are, you still have coaches, you still have mentors, you’re still in masterminds, and you still get yourself in the room. And I do the same thing. I go to events. I have a coach. I have a mentor. I am in two masterminds. I mean, I think it’s super, super important. So thank you for bringing that up. I just have to say that really quick.

Stephen Scoggins: Yeah, absolutely. Well, and I’m glad you did because that is a part of the grounding thing. So when I’m having issues or something I’m trying to work through, it’s always nice to have somebody I can tap on the shoulder for one. For two, in order to lean into flow, you actually have to do the opposite of what you’ve been doing. So I’ll give you an example. Just before we popped on here, I sat over here because I’m obviously traveling and we’re doing the event thing this week. And I sat over here on the hospital bed, the hotel room bed. And I just sat in quiet for 30 minutes, which is total opposite of what Stephen’s normally done. Steven has historically gotten up and just kept going, went to the gym, pushed through and stuff like that. And I sat over there. I took seven, seven breaths, a seven second breath in. I held it for seven seconds. I released it for seven seconds and I did it for seven times. And then I just sat and I was still. And what is nuts about that is I’m getting more clarity, more divine downloads of how to shift my energy, shift the problems, work on the solutions, getting these divine downloads more than I would when I used to go to the gym. I’d pop an energy drink, I’d be pumping iron, I’d be able to put my iPhone out and type down my notes, my next book, my next this, my next that, my podcast questions that There’s just something about the energy in the world that seems to be shifting towards stillness. My grandfather used to say, be still and know that I am God. And I’d never put that into practice until this year. And that is my number one grounding technique right now is to be still, believe it or not.

Amberly Lago: Well, I love that. In fact, before we started recording, I was like, yeah, Henry and I talked for two hours yesterday. And, you know, he like first took like a six month hiatus from posting. In fact, You know, my husband is, I think he’s the president of Henry’s fan club. He loves him. And he was like, I haven’t seen Henry. What’s going on with Henry? He hasn’t been posting as much. And so Henry, he was missed, but he was like, it was the best thing I could have done was just. you know, take a break from it. And our mutual friend, Ed Milet, was telling me the same thing. He hasn’t posted since like last March, I think. And he said, I highly suggest that if your soul is just calling you to pause, to take a break, And I think there is power in the pause. And for the first time ever, I have been doing breathing techniques, especially when I’m in a lot of pain or especially when I can’t seem to calm my monkey brain, my monkey mind. the, that breathing, man, it just is a reset for your sympathetic nervous system. And so I love that you’re doing that too. And you know what? I, I feel and see the difference in you, Stephen, because I am used to seeing that Steven, that’s just like, let’s just go. We’re going to make it work. We’re going to just figure it out. I mean, I’ve seen you in action and I’ve seen, I’ve seen that. And you have this, like this sense of like, grounded, calm, you know, I see the difference in you.

Stephen Scoggins: Well, thank you. Well, I mean, in this, so this difference, believe it or not, is relatively recent. I’ve only been kind of operating in this new level. Henry was a part of that. My good friend, Paul, who’s one of my coaches was a, was a huge part of that. I met him through my book agent about three and a half years ago. And I don’t know that there’s just something about if you can get grounded and rooted, and regulated and stay there as often as possible. you can literally become the integrated entrepreneur, like the integrated person. All that means is that your body, your mind, your soul, and your energy are all on hyperalignment. That’s all that really means. What happens is, is life goes like this, and this, and this, and this, and then, okay, so your energy’s hyper, your energy’s good, and then your mind’s all over, the monkey brain’s all over the place, and then your mind’s good, and then your energy’s all over the place, or the spiritual, like it’s a constant state of chaos until you take ownership of the chaos and say, you know what, enough’s enough, I’m going to be still. I’m going to sit in stillness. I’m going to learn to operate and flow. And the reality is, I’ll tell you one of the biggest techniques that’s actually working. I’m actually ready to do this. Like coming in later, as soon as I get done with this event, I go back to Utah for a few weeks or a few days, and then I’m off. And that’s the power of a sabbatical. Every time I have a major life shift of any kind, I historically will take a week or two weeks and I’ll go off somewhere by myself, no agenda, no nothing. I try to find some place that I feel like I’ll get energized. And sure enough, literally as soon as I get back to Utah on February 5th of 2025, I’m gonna be jetting to New Zealand for three weeks by myself through February 5th to the 22nd.

Amberly Lago: Wow. Do you know, I have always wanted to go to New Zealand since I was a kid. I don’t know why, but there was just something about New Zealand that that is, if I could say, I want to go any place, like you can go one place for vacation. I would say New Zealand. I’ve always wanted to go there. So I think that’s amazing that you’re doing that. Um, and I’ve had like a lot of, this past year and writing a lot of intensity, a lot of resistance. And I just came, I was just like, you know what? I’m writing a book about joy through the journey. And I am, I’m not going to let the stress of that and launching an event and all the speaking engagements I’m going to do. I’m like, I am just going to trust. I am just going to be in alignment with, You know, really my integrity, I think it’s important to have the integrity, but to know your priorities and so you can be in alignment. And I feel like when you are true to yourself and you stay centered in alignment, the right things come and they come when they’re supposed to come and it doesn’t have to be forced.

Stephen Scoggins: That’s right.

Amberly Lago: You know, and I just feel like too, Stephen, like how we met, I was thinking about how we met. Was it Bo that introduced us?

Stephen Scoggins: Yeah. I think it was Bo that originally introduced us. Yep. And then we became fast friends on a podcast. Yeah. And I mean, it was awesome. Yeah.

Amberly Lago: As soon as I met you, I was like, Oh my gosh, I love this guy. Uh, I want, I want him in my life. And I’m like, you’re not getting rid of me. And yeah. And it’s, and it’s just been ever since then we have just, I felt, I feel like you’re somebody I’ve known all my life. And even when we haven’t talked for a while, we just pick up right where we left off.

Stephen Scoggins: We really do. We really do. Yeah.

Amberly Lago: Yeah, well, what I’m just curious, what are some of the things you do when you, do you have like a morning ritual that you do to get you set up for success that you do every day? Because I know everybody does different things. I definitely have things that I do in the morning that I’ve had to go back to because I’d gotten into a place where I was all about, I got to hustle. I got to go.

Amberly Lago: Yeah.

Amberly Lago: And I was starting to skip things like my daily prayer, you know, and now I’m like, Oh no, no, no, no, no. I start my day. I got to get on my knees and pray.

Amberly Lago: Yeah.

Amberly Lago: Um, so are there things that you do on a daily basis to help you stay like that integrated entrepreneur?

Stephen Scoggins: Absolutely. Well, it’s, you know, what’s really funny is like, I was just sharing with you before it’s changed. It used to be get up. Um, basically take care of, you know, do your bathroom things, get your pre-workout hit, and I would go to the gym, listen to a podcast, get on a treadmill, whatever, get my body moving, pump some iron, whatever. It’s changed drastically in that my first 15 to 30 minutes of every day is actually sitting down on the living room sofa. Um, in this particular house, I have a nice, you know, kind of modern fireplace. I crank the fire, turn the fireplace on. And I sit there with a journal and I started this new journaling process called what I hear you say is. So what I mean by that is a lot of times when we go to pray, we’re talking to God. Sometimes when we go to meditate, we’re listening to God. But when you sit down with a journal pad and a pen and you actually say, Lord, what I hear you say is, and you just wait in stillness for, I don’t know, the first time I did it probably took me three, five, six minutes. And then I started hearing things. And literally I would just, it was like, I would write one word And then the next word would form itself. And before long, I’d have two or three pages. And some of it was information on how to continue to light myself. Some of it was around the circumstances and the situations I was navigating at the time. But it was all divine download. And there was always a sense of peace with it. There was always a sense of purpose with it. So that’s something that it’s brand spanking new that I’ve been doing now for about four and a half months. I’ve burned up three journals. Really? It started on September 21st, 2024. I actually, ironically, I learned, the concept kind of came from our friend Henry. So I was a speaker at one of Henry’s events, one of the virtual events, and I actually decided to participate in one of his virtual events called his Inner Circle. And one of the things that he did during the Inner Circle was this meditation practice where you go into a meditation, you come out of the meditation, he says, free ride. And I had done that maybe a few days earlier than this first time I’d done this. So I was like, man, what’s, okay, cool. All right, that’s cool. So I’m going through a moment in life where life is crazy stressful. A lot of uncertainty, a lot of surprises, a lot of things I didn’t see coming. And I just sat there and I said, you know what? I’m gonna pour my heart out to God. This is me, right? I’m pouring my heart out. This is everything that’s going on for me, Lord. You know, I don’t know what’s going on. This is me. Like, get this crap out of me. Like, how did this happen? Like, all this kind of stuff, right? And at the very end, I had this soft little nudge, almost like I heard, almost like I felt like there was something to be heard. So I literally got to the bottom of the page. I changed the font color to blue. And I said, Lord, if you have anything to share with me, what is it? I kid you not, the very first time I did it, I could not stop writing. Really? I could not keep up with it. It was like in 68 days from now, your world will look completely different. It was powerful. And the reason I say that is because I think most times we’re not hearing God or not hearing the divine because we’re not really listening. We’re not really, we’re not really, we’re not being still, we’re not being present. We are not activating that side of our divinity that comes from him to begin with, which is where all the good things, you know, our mutual friend, you mentioned, you brought up Ed a minute ago. You know, Ed does all kinds of spiritual principles and techniques. Our mutual friend John and Catherine, Gordon, they do all kinds of, like, there’s just something about being deeply rooted in a level of faith, whatever that is for you, that allows you to hear the divine. It’s like when you can hear the divine, inevitably what happens is you hear the truths about yourself and also the things that need to shift in yourself. And as things shift, you become more rooted and grounded. So I know it’s a long-winded answer to that one thing, but that is the number one thing that I’ve done in the last four months that is absolutely, you mentioned earlier about how you’ve seen a change, right? That is probably far from the number one thing that I’ve probably done that’s like the most powerful thing. And then I go do my normal day. But my first five minutes to 30 minutes, I don’t put a time frame on it. I just sit there and write until I feel like there’s nothing else to hear.

Amberly Lago: I love that. And you never know when those journals can turn into part of a book, because I would never have imagined when I first met Johnny, and we’ve been together almost 20 years, and writing in my journal that that would later, years later, I never would have imagined that I would have written my first book, True Grit and Grace. Part of my journal entries are actually in that book. I have had a journal out and you’ve inspired me to get back to actually handwriting because I’ve been doing a lot of typing and it doesn’t come out quite the same. But also, this is wild. Stephen, I remember being in North Carolina and we had a lot of resistance at that event, didn’t we?

Stephen Scoggins: We did the first day or so. We did. Absolutely.

Amberly Lago: We did. I mean, there was just like, it was wild and it ended up being the most faith-filled, like I felt like the Holy Spirit was in that room. It was unbelievable. And what this reminded me of, and I don’t think, I think things happen for a reason. And I don’t know if I ever told you this or not, but when I, after the event, the event was done, I was in the shower. And I’m just there and I’m so present and I am just, it just came, the words came to me, God won. And I actually said it out loud, God won. Like, because I felt like there was like the enemy was trying to stop. this from going on because the enemy knew there was some faith-filled people who were going to be transformed.

Stephen Scoggins: What was that in your mastermind, ladies, man? Goodness gracious. They got on stage, dude. They transformed. On stage? Yeah. Oh, yeah. It was powerful. It was powerful.

Amberly Lago: I mean, I just got goosebumps again, but do you know what? Me too.

Stephen Scoggins: Just now. That was so cool. Wow.

Amberly Lago: This morning, we’ve moved three times in the past couple of years, and it was driving me crazy. I couldn’t find some necklaces, and it’s not like me to lose things that are super meaningful to me. And I found all of the necklaces that I was looking for. They had fallen underneath something, and so they were hidden. And the first necklace I pulled out was a necklace that one of my Mastermind members actually made for me, had made for me. And at the Mastermind brunch the following day, I told them this story about as much resistance that came up, like what came, like I heard the words, God won. And so she made me a necklace that says God won. And I was just cleaning that because it had been, it’s tarnished now. So I just cleaned it all off and just this morning, and now we’re having this conversation, you know? And so I think it does make such a huge difference, but I really do see that difference in you. And I think that from a lot of people that I’ve spoken with lately, for sure, it’s like they’re ending this culture of grind and hustle and get three hours of sleep and just keep going. I don’t feel like that’s what it means to be unstoppable. So explain your definition of how you are, you’re Mr. Unstoppable, but what does that mean? Because To me, it doesn’t mean that we don’t fall or fail. It just means you get up again, you rise up again and again and again, however many times you need to. But what does it mean to you?

Stephen Scoggins: You know, I used to say that Unstoppable was nothing more than consistently making progress. That used to be my easy answer, right? Just to your point, you know, you fall over, you get back up. You fall over, you get back up. Recently, what I’ve discovered is in this new season of life, and I think this is, I think that again, I think this is a bit of a faith field, energetic shift that the entire world is going through right now. You just mentioned it. To truly be unstoppable, you have to be in a place of surrender and trust and groundedness, being grounded. I believe that the only way you’re going to, because essentially you’re going to keep meeting resistance until you stop resisting the resistance. until you allow for things to begin to take shape. So this allowing things to take shape now becomes the catalyst point for the next step. So you can be unstoppable with resistance and you’re constantly forcing, or you can be unstoppable with flow and you’re constantly flowing. Like you’re on a riverbank. So I kind of look at it looks like your principles are your riverbank, but yet the river itself is the flow. So you either be the dam that the flow goes up against, And eventually the water will pierce the rock, but it’s going to take a lot longer than if you just let the dam water break and kind of let the water go over. Does that make sense? I know it’s a bit of an analogy, but that’s my new shift, what it means to be unstoppable, is being able to operate and surrender trust and flow. And again, it’s easier said than done, but if you don’t start now working on the grounding techniques, working on the sabbatical, working on the journaling, working on the prayer, working on being still and getting this place of stillness, you can’t really get grounded. And if you’re not grounded, you’re by definition in chaos. You can’t be in both places at once.

Amberly Lago: Okay. So what would you say to somebody who’s like, well, yeah, I’d like to take some time off and go away even for five days, but I can’t take off work. I can’t, I got to make the money. I got to pay the bills. What would you say to that?

Stephen Scoggins: Start small. If you can carve out 30 minutes, that’s 30 minutes. If you can carve out an hour, carve out an hour. You don’t have to go to some exotic destination to actually have a meaningful sabbatical. In fact, the first set of sabbaticals I ever did, I used to just drive from my house in Raleigh at the time, and I’d go to the coast for the day. Two hours there, I’d spend an hour and a half on the beach, sitting on the beach, listening to the ocean, and I would drive two hours back. Right. Or I would go at one time when my grandfather was still living. Um, who is my, like my spiritual guide mentor guy, you know, he just, he was my, I can literally go sit at his feet. It was like, it just ooze wisdom. You know, sometimes I’ll just go sit with him for an hour and I would feel, and I would, and I would feel better. So. A sabbatical is nothing more than a departure of the mundane or the departure of what you know to be your daily activity life. In this season of life, I’m fortunate enough that I can do some nicer things and go to some nicer places and experience the world. But at the same time, one of the things I told myself when I exited those businesses was I wanted to like I was originally not with my original plan was I was going to travel the world go go three or four or five destinations a year and like kind of experience things and then I actually got away from my own my own goal like I started porting myself in another direction. It wasn’t like it wasn’t beneficial, but it wasn’t for me. It was for other people and trying to take care. And that’s where you have to kind of understand what kind of programs you’re running in the background at the subconscious level. Because when you can do that, now you can shift and know, is it an hour over here? Is it two hours over here? Is it a weekend getaway? I always say the replenishable plan has three pieces. Your replenishable plan has, where do you go? What do you do? And who do you do it with? So when I do a replenishment plan, that’s what I’m doing. So in this particular season of life, you know, where am I going? All right, well, I’m going abroad, right? For one, New Zealand is one of those places that is a very spiritually inclined place. My friend Paul, and it’s funny how my friend Paul and Henry often align on stuff. They’re like, your angels and your ancestors are going to meet you there, right? That’s such a beautiful thing to hear, right? And when I go there, I’m going to be essentially touring the island. So that’s what I’m doing. And I’m taking a journal and a pen and leaving my tech devices behind for the first time ever. Wow. I’m going to take a burner phone. I won’t be on social media. I won’t have access to my computer. And it’s my first time ever where I’m going to take three weeks, if you will, and see what God does with me. Cause I feel like he’s going, he wants to do some bigger things, not just for me, but with me to inspire more people. Like I, and I believe like you and I, you and I share this cause you and I shared this. I believe you and I shared this calling of serving people at scale. There’s just certain energy sources that can only be poured out at scale. I mean, you’re great one-to-one, we work one-to-one, all that’s great, but there’s other things. There’s an energy exchange. You know this one from speaking, right? When we speak on Zoom versus when we speak in a room, there’s an energy exchange. And if I can make my energy signature bigger, brighter, bolder, it’ll do more good work, more light work, if you will, in the world, serve Jesus, serve God a whole lot better. And I think everybody has that capacity if they’ll slow down and get more ground.

Amberly Lago: I love that. And I love the way that you explain that. And I’m actually, I have to have another surgery and the doctors wanted to do it right away. I’m like, yeah, number 35, but who’s counting, you know? But the doctors wanted to do it right away. And I was like, oh, but no, I can’t. I’ve got this book coming out. Then I’m like, oh, they’re like, OK, well, then after your book, and I’m like, oh, but no, I can’t. I’ve already been paid to speak at these events. And then they’re like, OK, well, after that, I’m like, oh, but no, I can’t stop yet because I have my own annual event, the Unstoppable Success Summit. They’re like, okay, well, after that, when is that done? And I’m like, April 28th. And they’re like, okay, then we’re going to do surgery, get it scheduled for May 1st. And I’m like, well, that’s not fun. I want to go to New Zealand to slow down. I don’t want to go to have a surgery to slow down. You know what I mean? But when I think of it, you just actually gave me a better way to look at this, Stephen, because I’m going to view it as this surgery is going to help me so I can be a brighter light in the world. And I can, you know, do more good in the world. So you really just how you explained it in this way made me kind of look at this surgery in a different way because It’s taking care of me. I’m going to get better. I’m going to get healthier. I’m going to have that energy field that’s going to be even bigger. And so, yeah. So thank you for that.

Stephen Scoggins: Of course. No, it’s my pleasure. And you know, it’s, it’s, I learned just as much. It’s funny when you and I do these things, we always learn from each other every time. That’s one of the, one of the reasons I love hanging out with you. I always call you sis. Cause we, we do learn from each other. We do share a lot of common ground as far as what we’re trying to do in the world and who we’re trying to serve and all that kind of stuff. One of the things I’ve been doing recently is trying to help entrepreneurs go from their five-figure business to their eight-figure. When I say eight-figure, I don’t mean $10 million. I mean like $30, $40, $50 million. So much so that I went ahead and put together a free resource for you guys at stephenscoggins.com, Eight Figure, which is a free video series for developing an eight-figure mindset. Because I find that if I can help entrepreneurs do that, now they have a give-back mechanism for themselves to go and create more meaningful impact in the world, along with becoming their integrated entrepreneur.

Amberly Lago: Oh yeah, I love that. And I’m going to have that link in the show notes so people can access that because I had to shift my mindset around money because money wasn’t a big motivator for me. And then when I shifted it to, but wait, when I make more money, I can help more people. That’s when everything started to change. And I feel like money is just kind of an exchange of, of energy, really.

Stephen Scoggins: If you think about it, you started off the show asking about this young, I assume it’s a young lady, I could be wrong, but this person who is having a hard time even affording a book, right? There’s a good chance that their mindset around money and how money operates in their life comes from a place that if I give up a dollar, that’s it. I’ll share one story. I’ve never shared this publicly, and I don’t know why I’m feeling led to share it now, but I’m gonna share it now. I’m a big believer, so God has allowed me to steward a certain level of wealth at different stages, and he seems to allow me to have, like, go through learning curves and growth curves, and it continues to compound over time. When I was building that first business, I went to a church service. I had $4.68 in my pocket. That’s all I had. And when I went to go do this church service, he was talking about this lady, this elderly woman who was going to the temple to put her all of her hard-earned money into the offering plate. Meanwhile, this Pharisee or Sadducee was going to go and give his 10%, right? And then it’s a parable that Jesus talks about, and he talks about, well, who do you think gave more? you know, the, the, the woman who gave all she had, which is next to nothing compared to the 10% of the Pharisee or the Pharisee that only basically given just a little bit. Right. So he hears this, he tells a story and I’m like, I’m feeling like a little convicted, the offering plates coming around, you know, cause this is like a, you know, traditional church offering plates coming around. And I’m like, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, the often plate gets in front of me and I hear, and I hear, I hear, I hear this almost audibly. Do you trust me? Do you trust me? And I put the $4.68 in the offering plate. I kid you not, Monday morning around midday, I actually made $468 on something I didn’t expect to make it on. And I’m a big believer that when you sow into something like that, notice it’s a positioning of the heart, right? When you position the heart well, abundance always follows. So if you go back to the person you mentioned at the very beginning of the show about, well, how do I get where I can afford a book or afford a car or afford a house or afford to kind of level up and kind of have that experience? The answer is always going to be, look at the condition of your heart, look at the position of your heart. Are you trying to get resource so you can just spend, grind, make, own, take? Or are you looking at getting a resource you can compound, give, and basically create abundance for other people? I’ve learned if you create abundance for other people, you can never have enough.

Amberly Lago: Oh, that’s so powerful. And you know, I have, I’ve had, you know, actually today woke up and I was like, Oh, I mean, I don’t, I’ve never ever wanted to have credit card debt. So I haven’t, I mean, I have my credit card and I pay it off. I don’t care how much it is. I, it, I figure out a way to pay that.

Stephen Scoggins: Oh man. I got you. Yeah. Yeah.

Amberly Lago: And especially when you’re like, Oh, dang, I didn’t know that was due or, you know, that annual renewal of an extra two, $3,000 is coming up. I’m like, Oh, I didn’t, I wasn’t expecting that. And it was kind of one of those mornings where I started to get into this mindset of kind of worry and lack. And I was like, you know what? No. It will all work out. It will all work out. And I am not even kidding you. After that, I opened up my email and I had sold two tickets to my event. Hadn’t even really posted anything about it today, but all of a sudden I’m like, oh, wow. Somebody bought a couple of tickets to my event. There you go. You know what I mean? And so I think when you’re in that place of trust, that it does. And what you said, and your heart’s in the right place, and you’re doing it because you want to help other people achieve abundance, and you want to do good in the world, that somehow, some way, it works out.

Stephen Scoggins: It’s so much about trust. I think this is one of the reasons why I’m coming at the marketplace now with this new message. of becoming an integrated entrepreneur because entrepreneurs have the ability to create something out of nothing. Okay. So they have a vision. They got a goal. They got literally I’m, um, Henry and I and Tara and I are working on this new thing. It’ll be public knowledge probably in a couple of years, but it’s, it’s massive, right? It’s, it’s massive. He has been telling me, yeah, I’ll tell you more about it off air. I can’t tell you on air. Okay.

Amberly Lago: He has been telling me and I’m like, Oh my gosh, I know it’s big. Okay.

Stephen Scoggins: Yeah, it’s huge. It’s huge. And because I feel I feel like God has now given me both the position of my heart position of my mind, and the position of my impact to create a billion dollar business. So from take that for what it’s worth, there’s there’s a challenge now in front of me, which is good. It’s a good thing. But where I was going with this is The reason I’m coming at the marketplace with this specific message now in this day and time, this integration message, is because I would not have those aspirations. I would not have the ideas. I would not have the things that are flowing to it and through it and around it. How did I not spend so much time just trying to be grounded and integrated and bringing these parts of myself in complete alignment? And again, I’m not saying once you do it, you’re done. It’s a matter of managing yourself all day long almost. The source of all abundance is heavenly integration. The source of all abundance is heavenly integration. So no matter if it’s a, you know, it’s a job you want, or a business you’re trying to create, or the next level of your business, or a financial resource, or whatever, you are the source, you are the source of all the abundance you will ever need or ever want. God has already given you the ability to have all those things, to do all those things. He’s just asking you to your point again, trust and surrender. And again, for someone like myself, who’s a type A, go after it, get it, get it, knock it down, bear down, break down the walls, like get out of my way. It has been one of the hardest, but almost one of the most rewarding journeys I’ve been on recently, which is why I’m out here like kind of being a bit of an evangelist for it. Because today’s time, I think you’ll get further faster by being integrated versus by being disjointed and forcing things through.

Amberly Lago: I completely agree. And, you know, a lot of what you’re sharing is a lot of what I’ve learned, actually, in recovery. You know, I got sober when I was in 2016. And it talks a lot about just surrendering to the fact that you have something that, you know, your life is completely unmanageable. And my life had gotten unmanageable, but I constantly do work on myself, on my sobriety. And I’m working with my sponsor right now, and we’re going through the 12 and 12. So there’s the 12 steps of recovery. And right now, one of the things that we’re working on and we’re going to, you know, we meet every week. And one of the things that we’re working on is like, how was my life unmanageable? when I was in the disease of alcoholism and how is my life unmanageable now, which basically allows you to pause and think about what you can control and what you can’t control and to be more into trust. um, and, and surrender, which seems kind of crazy when you want, you’re like, but no, I got to hang on to this. I got to get it. And I got to just share one more example of, um, even with my oldest daughter. So my oldest daughter’s 29 and we, man, we butted, we would butt heads when she was growing. I mean, it was, I was a single mom for a long time and I didn’t have a lot of, things that I’ve learned now. And I would engage and I would, you know, she would trigger me and I would engage. And so we would butt heads and I would just hold on so tight. And then as she got older and she didn’t call me back, I would just like call her back. And why did she call on me? And I would just be grasping on so tight. And it was really when I just surrendered and I let go. But now we have the best relationship because I’m not just trying to like basically just hang on to her. I’m like, she is who she is. And when she needs me, she knows I’m here. I love her unconditionally. But it changed our relationship when I just surrendered to what is and let go.

Stephen Scoggins: Yeah. Yeah. No, that’s such a good point. It’s interesting, you know, in doing I wasn’t as familiar with this work. I was aware of the work, but I hadn’t seen a lot of it, and I didn’t spend any time with it. But there’s something that I think every listener, every viewer should tap into. And this is not something I have or whatever, but it’s something super beneficial. It’s actually three parts. It’s attachment style, so learning more about your personal attachment style, which then is followed by what drives your attachment style, which is typically what some people call the inner child. Believe it or not, most of us, when we’re activated or triggered, we act like the seven or eight year old version of ourselves, not the 40 or 35 or whatever number it is. Then that’s followed by the somatic work that causes to go back and love that inner child, but then actually eliminates the trigger and fixes the attachment style. you’re getting deep on me steve so that’s why i want everybody so i’ll just say this one i want everybody to go um and this is again i don’t i don’t have a book on this or nothing like that this is work i’ve been doing personally last several months review attachment work Okay, just call it, it’s called, there’s a book called Attached, there’s a book called, well, you start with Attached, okay? A book called Attached, a book called Letting Go, and on top of that, essentially, learn more about what’s called psychosomatic healing. which deals with the programming of the subconscious mind. Nothing has been more successful for me outside of my faith than working through the psychosomatic side of healing, because essentially that is the subconscious, that’s the thing, that’s the monkey brain you’re talking about. Believe it or not, the monkey brain just thinks it’s keeping you safe and it doesn’t realize it’s actually causing you problems. If you can get that worked out, you’re on your way to doing some amazing stuff.

Amberly Lago: Yeah. And I mean, also just, uh, so I just spoke at an event in Arizona and one of the most powerful things that happened and I missed it because I was, I was actually recording a podcast in my hotel room with my friend, Brian Bogart. And, um, I was like, what, I missed that. And it was, I heard it was so powerful was, um, our friend Brooke Hemingway did like this inner, a guided inner child meditation.

Amberly Lago: And

Amberly Lago: Just like what would you say to that inner child? How would you love that inner child? You know, and so I want to I want to learn more about that because I feel like I’ve done a lot of work But I feel like when we get triggered there now I used to get triggered and oh my goodness It was just like it would be it would take a while weeks to get through that and I would kind of beat myself up about I thought God, I’d healed from that. Now, if I get triggered about something, I’m just like, okay, this is what it is. This is how I was triggered. I’ve been through this before. I know how to work through it. And so it is a constant learning process and ups and downs. Are you doing yoga and Tai Chi is what I want to know.

Stephen Scoggins: I am actually doing yoga and I have done Tai Chi in the past. Recently, again, this is all about becoming, this is all about Stephen discovering how to be more grounded. Okay.

Amberly Lago: So, okay. Like, okay, Stephen, you’re wearing a lot of bracelets that you didn’t use to wear.

Stephen Scoggins: Okay. Well, I used to wear some.

Amberly Lago: Yeah, but you’re wearing quite a few now. I didn’t, I didn’t notice that by the way. I didn’t notice it. And I want to know, I want to see some yoga poses when I see you next. Okay. All right.

Stephen Scoggins: All right.

Amberly Lago: We’re going to be doing some downward dog and some Tai Chi.

Stephen Scoggins: Yep. I do that. I’m still working on the figure of four thing that says that they can knock me off the floor, but yeah, no, you got that covered for sure. No, we’ll definitely do that.

Amberly Lago: Okay.

Stephen Scoggins: So you have, you’ve been doing things like, again, it’s, it’s again, if, when you discover that your old way of being and your old way of doing is not giving you the results that you want to get, it’s time to really start looking at other alternatives. Now, yoga hasn’t changed my faith in Jesus or hasn’t changed my understanding of energy. It actually has intensified it. Um, ironically, I’ve actually, I won’t go too far down this rabbit hole, I promise, but I’m actually doing a quantitative line-by-line comparison of Jesus and the kingdom of heaven and what’s known as the quantum field and all the energy sources that actually go through the body’s nervous system and what yoga would call the chakras. And you can actually find the same system actually in the Bible, just called a different thing. So again, this is a whole new spiritual journey. Again, my anchor in Jesus has not changed, but yeah, there’s a whole new level that’s coming.

Amberly Lago: But you know what? I’m the same. I love Jesus, but I love learning about chakras too. And I’ll tell you a really wild, wild story. I have a friend of mine back in LA and I went to her house. we were doing a meditation and then she had all the stones, the colors of the chakras and we laid on the floor and she was talking us through this meditation and we had the stones on the chakra points and she was going through and then she got to the throat chakra. She was talking about this and I promise you it was wild. I didn’t believe it myself. The stone popped off of my neck and I opened my eyes And she stopped the meditation and she goes, oh my gosh, I saw that. I know. That was wild. She goes, whatever blockage there was at your throat, chakra is gone now. That energy there just popped it right off. So I love learning about all different, and I believe having an open mind. And one of the things I love about the 12-step program is It’s not a religious thing. It’s a spiritual thing. And I couldn’t stay sober if I didn’t have a spiritual connection to God. And I have things that remind me when I get in my own way and I’m all into self-will that I know I need to fully rely on God. I need to anchor myself to God. And our friend Connor told me something that… And I miss Connor. I haven’t talked to him in a while.

Stephen Scoggins: Well, he’s got a brand new baby, so he’s busy. Camden was born just before Christmas.

Amberly Lago: Oh, well, I’ve got to check in on him. But he told me something a long time ago that I love. He said, God doesn’t waste pain.

Stephen Scoggins: No, he does not. He does not. So I’ve got to give you this one line. I can’t help myself. Remember that I told you I did that first journal session? That was on the computer, because I just happened to be at the computer. I changed the font color at the beginning of the show. We talked about that. There was a line in there where he’s talking, and of course, I’m just trying to keep up. I let Henry, he’s our mutual friend, and Henry’s actually read it, and it’s mind-blowing. At some point in time, I’ll share it with you and let you read it. He says, do not underestimate the power of small beginnings and painful transitions. painful transitions, pretty much every major growth spurt you will ever have in your life is going to be on the other side of a painful transition. I have no problem.

Amberly Lago: I’m about to have some.

Stephen Scoggins: Yeah.

Amberly Lago: Yeah. Okay. That’s what I’m telling you right now.

Stephen Scoggins: And it’s okay. Well, here’s the thing. We, again, with resistance says, I don’t want pain. I don’t want pain. I don’t want pain. I don’t want pain. I don’t want pain. I don’t want pain. Slow says the quicker the pain comes, the quicker the pain goes. Right, so it’s a removal of the resistance and the blockage, right? But painful transitions create catapulted magnification of your growth pattern. Right, so it’s what causes the growth. The books you’ve written, the stages you’ve been on, all of that stuff came out of an auto accident, right? And you survived it, you thrived through it, you built on it, you grew from it. That’s what people don’t understand. Everything that they really want, everything that we want, like I’m, you know, I have certain desires of my heart that I really want in this stage in life, right? Because I’m, I’m in theory, I can go and do and whatever I want, you know, for the most part, and I have other things in my life that I want, right? I also have to realize that there’s things that have to be worked on to in order to quote, unquote, get what you deserve or acquire what you deserve or call in what you deserve or whatever words you want to eat, manifestation abundance. I don’t it’s it is an energetic exchange and it’s on the other side. It’s on the other side of the thing you’re resisting most. So as soon as you can get your shoes, you can identify where they are. Buddy Henry taught me this actually. So you can identify where the resistance is. Now you know where to work on. That’s where you gotta do the work, you know? So anyway, I don’t mean to go off on a tangent, but that- No, I love that. That keyed that off of my brain, sorry.

Amberly Lago: I love that. And you know what, Stephen, I could, I could talk to you all day long. I mean, I, I, I just, I love you. This has been so helpful, um, for me, it’s I’m sure everybody that’s listening and taking notes and going to make some changes into things that they do every single day, but it’s been very helpful for me. And you’ve been, you’ve been a blessing to me. I mean, I’m getting emotional. You’ve been such a blessing to me in my life. I just, I’m so grateful. There are not many, if any, people in the world like you. You’re a rare breed, Stephen.

Amberly Lago: I love you. Thank you.

Amberly Lago: Do you have anything that you, before we leave and I’ll let, I want everybody to have the links to where they can, you know, take the eight figure mindset makeover. I want them to get that and know where to find you, but do you have any closing statements or any one last message you want people to know about?

Stephen Scoggins: Oh, that’s always such a, I’ll tell you what I get. What’s on my, what I feel like God is asking me to share. God is asking me to share what you think is What you think is holding you back is not actually what’s holding you back. It’s actually the inside of you thing that’s holding you back. It’s the inside of you thing that’s holding you back. So for example, if you think you’re lacking money, it’s not the lack of money, it’s the perception of money, how money is utilized. You’re looking for wellness, right? So it’s not the wellness piece, it’s how you’re looking at how wellness occurs in your body. And for some reason, I’m just seeing more evidence of this day after day after day that this is more and more true. And I’m on this big quest right now for truth. Like what is true? What is truth? And I think when you go on a quest for truth, you’re gonna find the answers in many cases, possibly on the things that you’ve been avoiding, right? So Connor, ironically you mentioned Connor, I told him a long time ago, he’s like, you know, how do I do this? How do I do that? I’m like, do the hard work first. The very thing that you’re most scared of that you don’t wanna do, go do that thing first and everything behind that will get easier.

Amberly Lago: That’s what I always say, Stephen. I’m like, do the hard thing first and then life gets easier. But if you’re taking the easy way out, it’s going to continue to be hard or you’re going to be filled with regret. And that’s something that I really try to explain to people too. Like I had a client of mine who wanted to give up. She, you know, has these big goals and dreams, but was trying it for a year and it, wasn’t getting her to where exactly where she wanted to go. And I was like, I’m still trying. I’m not exactly, it’s not like, I’m like, okay, I’m here. If I think I’m here and I’ve arrived.

Stephen Scoggins: Yeah. Life’s great deception is that there’s a destination. There’s no such thing as a destination. Maybe once you get to heaven, you’re going to do assignment or something like that. That’s about it.

Amberly Lago: Yeah. Yeah. But no, I’m still trying and still growing and still, and I think that’s what makes life so amazing is that you, I love learning. And, um, and you know, I’ve had Johnny sometimes say, when is enough enough? And I’m like, Well, I love what I do and I want to constantly learn and grow. And so I sure love learning and growing with you, Stephen. I just feel like we’ve been through a lot and you’re the kind of friend that we can just hop on the phone and just, you know, tell it like it is.

Stephen Scoggins: Anytime. Yeah.

Amberly Lago: Anytime. Well, tell people where they can find you before you go off to New Zealand, or even if you’re in New Zealand and they want to like, okay, I know he’s off the grid right now, but I still want to get ahold of this eight figure mindset makeover. How can they do that?

Stephen Scoggins: Well, obviously it’s stephenscoggins.com is the easiest. That’s a Stephen OPH and Scoggins is S-C-O-G-G-I-N-S. You know, it’s funny, I’ve recently started putting out more content on Instagram and TikTok related to the integrated entrepreneur concept. And it’s getting a lot of really great feedback. So I want to invite folks to check that out. If they want to take advantage of the mindset makeover, it’s just stephenscoggins.com backslash the number eight figure, no hyphens, no underscores or nothing, just eight figure. And that’ll help them kind of get started, and they can kind of get to know me a little bit, and I can get to know them a little bit. And yeah, my team’s going to be handling things while I’m gone, so I won’t look like I’m off grid, but I’m off grid.

Amberly Lago: OK, well, hey, I am so happy for you that you’re doing this. And I do hope you take some pictures, though, because I want to see pictures.

Stephen Scoggins: I will. I am going to take a phone that my mom, my dad, and my COO have access to during the trip. But I’ve totally politely, guys, this is for emergencies only. I’m on it. I know I’m going there on a journey. I instinctively know it, which is kind of cool. Um, and I’ll be moving back to North Carolina pretty soon and, uh, building a property called safe Haven. So it’s going to be, we’re going to, we had a lot of really cool stuff coming.

Amberly Lago: Oh, I cannot wait. You do everything top notch. And so I can’t wait to hear more about that, but thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your wisdom. And, um, I hope to be sharing the stage with you again.

Stephen Scoggins: Let’s go. Yeah, it’s time. Thank you so much for having me. Seriously. Thank you.

Amberly Lago: Thank you. And, um, you guys, thank you so much for tuning into the show. I really, really appreciate you listening, um, and sharing the show with others that you think need to hear this message. It’s because of you that you’ve made the show a top 1% podcast. So thanks for tuning in and we will see you next week.