“The whole state of being in love is nature’s greatest drug high.” – Arielle Ford

If you want to understand love, relationships, romance, and your own subconscious love habits, then this episode, featuring Arielle Ford is for you. 

Join us as we delve into a captivating conversation with Arielle Ford, a renowned personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. For over three decades, Arielle has dedicated herself to living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through various media forms. As a celebrated love and relationship expert, author, speaker, and co-creator/host of Evolving Wisdom’s Art of Love series, her mission is to empower women to Find Love, Keep Love, and Be Love.

Previously known as America’s foremost book publicist during her tenure as president of The Ford Group, Arielle played a pivotal role in launching the careers of numerous New York Times bestselling self-help authors. Notable figures such as Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Neale Donald Walsch, and Debbie Ford, among others, owe their success in part to Arielle’s influence. Her client list also includes renowned authors like Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Gary Zukav, Dean Ornish, Joan Borysenko, Jorge Cruise, and don Miguel Ruiz. Although she has retired from PR and marketing, Arielle remains a gifted writer and has authored eleven books, including the internationally acclaimed bestseller, THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction, available in 21 languages across 40 countries.

In this episode, Arielle Ford shares insights from her latest book, Love Thief, which uncovers the darker aspects of relationships with narcissists and emphasizes the significance of shared visions for the future in romantic partnerships. Arielle highlights the importance of financial responsibility and prenuptial agreements while stressing the need to disconnect from devices and pay attention to those around us. She also explores the concepts of santosha (contentment) and radical acceptance. As an exclusive offer, she provides a bonus for listeners who order her book from thelovethief.com. Prepare to gain valuable insights into the intricacies of relationships through this enlightening conversation.

Here’s a glimpse of the invaluable insights you can expect from our discussion:

– How narcissistic partners manipulate abusive situations (8:20)
– The role of clarity in finding your soulmate (19:10)
– The significance of body language in effective communication with your partner (27:41)
– The importance of embracing emotional intelligence by being okay without being okay (35:29)”

After listening, share it with your friends and post about it on Instagram and tag us both
@amberlylagomotivation and @arielleford44.

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